Amount of texts to »Benjamin« 11, and there are 10 texts (90.91%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 140 Characters
Average Rating 2.364 points, 4 Not rated texts
First text on Apr 23rd 2001, 03:44:32 wrote
rimmer about Benjamin
Latest text on Feb 3rd 2005, 19:22:49 wrote
Indie Aguilera about Benjamin
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 4)

on Feb 27th 2004, 03:08:23 wrote
Gay Rapper about Benjamin

on Feb 27th 2004, 03:10:32 wrote
Gay Rapper about Benjamin

on Feb 3rd 2005, 19:22:49 wrote
Indie Aguilera about Benjamin

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Benjamin«

rimmer wrote on Apr 23rd 2001, 03:55:43 about


Rating: 12 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Walter Benjamin said: »The card index marks the conquest of three-dimensional writing, and so presents an astonishing counterpoint to the three-dimensionality of script in its original form as rune or knot notation. (And today the book is already, as the present mode of scholarly reproduction demonstrates, and outdated mediation between two different filing systems. For everything that matters is to be found in the card box of the researcher who wrote it, and the scholar studying it assimilates it into his own card index.)«

rimmer wrote on Apr 23rd 2001, 03:56:44 about


Rating: 6 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Walter Benjamin said: »The freedom of conversation is being lost. If it was earlier a matter of course in conversation to take interest in one's partner, that is now being replaced by inquiry into the price of his shoes or his umbrella

rimmer wrote on Apr 23rd 2001, 03:44:32 about


Rating: 3 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Walter Benjamin said: »The destructive character lives from the feeling, not that life is worth living, but that suicide is not worth the trouble

rimmer wrote on Apr 23rd 2001, 03:53:57 about


Rating: 3 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Walter Benjamin said: »The destructive character lives from the feeling, not that life is worth living, but that suicide is not worth the trouble

Some random keywords

Created on Apr 1st 2002, 08:15:57 by Monique, contains 5 texts

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Created on Apr 17th 2000, 21:07:15 by steve, contains 10 texts

Created on Feb 6th 2007, 19:18:25 by meep, contains 1 texts

Created on Nov 28th 2004, 02:37:29 by Jefe, contains 32 texts

Some random keywords in the german Blaster

Created on Dec 25th 2002, 13:28:32 by radon, contains 13 texts

Created on Jan 28th 2001, 00:26:58 by beni, contains 15 texts

Created on Feb 25th 2008, 19:20:48 by platypus, contains 5 texts

Created on May 12th 2001, 22:16:09 by eine, contains 59 texts

Created on Jun 16th 2005, 10:52:59 by Jana, contains 21 texts

Created on Oct 8th 2006, 01:49:07 by Alzheimer, contains 12 texts

Created on Sep 23rd 2003, 16:46:11 by willard, contains 13 texts

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