Amount of texts to »Lance« 1, and there are 1 texts (100.00%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 1337 Characters
Average Rating 1.000 points, 0 Not rated texts
First text on Jan 25th 2003, 00:52:24 wrote
JJJ about Lance
Latest text on Jan 25th 2003, 00:52:24 wrote
JJJ about Lance
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 0)

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Lance«

JJJ wrote on Jan 25th 2003, 00:52:24 about


Rating: 1 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

HEY, bedmate, best girl, concubine, courtesan, doxy, dream girl, fancy woman, girlfriend, inamorata, kept woman, ladylove, main squeeze, moll, old lady, other woman, paramour, prostitute, roommate, shack, shack job, sugar, sweetheart, sweetie babe, baby doll, bird, blonde, bobby-soxer, boytoy, broad, butterfly, canary, chick, coed, cupcake, cutie, dame, damsel, daughter, deb, debutante, doll, female, filly, gal, jail bait, lady, lassie, mademoiselle, maid, maiden, minx, miss, missy, missy, mouse, numphet, nymph, piece, queen, schoolgirl, she, sis, skirt, spring chicken, teenybopper, tomato, tomboy, virgin, wench, witch,, babe, beauty, broad, cheesecake, chichi, cupcake, cutie, dame, doll, dowager, dutchess, femme, filly, fox, frail, gal, gentlewoman, girl, hussy, kid, lady, madam, mama, matron, old bat, old lady, old woman, petticoat, piece, pinup, seductress, she, she-stuff, shrew, siren, sis, skirt, temptress, ten, tomato, weaker sex, wench, wrenadult, babe, bag, baroness, bitch, broad, butterfly, contessa, countess, dame, doll, duchess, empress, female, gal, gentlewoman, girl, little woman, mama, mare, matron, missus, mistress, noblewoman, old bag, old lady, old woman, petticoat, princess, queen, queen bee, rib, squaw, sultana.

Welcome to Lance's house. Please leave your close at the door.

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