Amount of texts to »Pan« 10, and there are 9 texts (90.00%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 62 Characters
Average Rating 5.900 points, 0 Not rated texts
First text on Jan 14th 2001, 03:48:14 wrote
Nils about Pan
Latest text on Nov 20th 2006, 00:33:43 wrote
dark blip about Pan
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 0)

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Pan«

tomato jersey wrote on Apr 19th 2001, 09:51:24 about


Rating: 20 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

A frying pan isn't an effective weapon.

Unless you add arsenic to the eggs.

mulatto wrote on Apr 14th 2001, 06:00:42 about


Rating: 13 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Pan – a god who makes more sense than the one most people believe in.

And a musician, to boot.

mabel wrote on Jan 5th 2005, 23:49:28 about


Rating: 22 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Out of the frying pan – and onto the plate!

That's the way things should go when cooking bacon.


Some random keywords

Created on Sep 10th 2000, 03:44:13 by jassee, contains 23 texts

Created on Mar 4th 2001, 21:05:41 by mirrorcage, contains 23 texts

Created on Dec 13th 2002, 20:56:51 by elfboi, contains 8 texts

Created on Jan 30th 2001, 21:43:35 by snacks, contains 7 texts

Created on Mar 22nd 2004, 16:52:00 by elfboi, contains 2 texts

Some random keywords in the german Blaster

Created on Aug 31st 2002, 05:04:19 by Dr.Schreck, contains 9 texts

Created on Oct 3rd 2000, 14:43:34 by Dragan, contains 15 texts

Created on Jul 31st 2004, 09:00:56 by mcnep, contains 9 texts

Created on May 16th 2003, 02:24:38 by Countess Calista C. Caligari, contains 16 texts

Created on May 14th 2003, 02:37:24 by Countess Calista C. Caligari, contains 16 texts

Created on Oct 25th 2000, 00:01:27 by Liamara, contains 20 texts

Created on May 25th 1999, 21:54:45 by Guido, contains 19 texts

The Assoziations-Blaster is a project by Assoziations-Blaster-Team | Deutsche Statistik | 0.0156 Sec. Ugly smelling email spammers: eat this!