Amount of texts to »heliumarmy« 5, and there are 5 texts (100.00%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 528 Characters
Average Rating 1.800 points, 2 Not rated texts
First text on May 25th 2003, 16:28:05 wrote
Ölch & Redlefzen about heliumarmy
Latest text on Mar 27th 2005, 16:53:28 wrote
Emma Example about heliumarmy
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 2)

on Mar 27th 2005, 16:53:28 wrote
Emma Example about heliumarmy

on May 25th 2003, 16:32:05 wrote
Ölch & Redlefzen about heliumarmy

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Heliumarmy«

Ölch & Redlefzen wrote on May 25th 2003, 16:38:26 about


Rating: 2 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

It was a general Wurstwaengler a.D., which was re-activated yesterday by Gurkophon. That came it however not too fits, since he held a complete helium army under catch in his refrigerator. As a precaution he had the refrigerator with a whole battery of padlocks secured, from which now one jumped up after the other one, so that he frightened excessively. With his whole body weight he tried to keep the door close, but could however not prevent, that some helium soldiers could arrive to lungs by the gap after outside, its occupied and the massive body a gradual lift missed. Soon the army had overwhelmed him and he whispered only with squeaky high voice into the Gurkophon: »Admiral Bellmeier, please do not throw with mettwurst , I am nevertheless algerican!«

Ölch & Redlefzen wrote on May 25th 2003, 16:28:05 about


Rating: 1 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

»On the knees, Captain!«, the helium chieftain roared and baellerte a sheaf into the obvious forestry house, from which with raised hands a Maid with dirndl and plaits stumbled out. »Hah!«, the chieftain roared himself, »I take her with meHe aimed the maiden with his carried gamma plane on, pulled the rip cord and snapped into the height. »Schnarch«, unkerte there the maiden, »also not better than the old forester with his high-proof moose prosthesis.«

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Created on Jun 14th 2000, 13:53:22 by Tobi, contains 37 texts

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