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Texts to »Palindrome«
Jean-Claude Choul wrote on Mar 4th 2002, 22:33:01 about
Rating: 12 point(s) |
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According to the MacMillan Dictionary, a word, phrase, or sentence that reads the same forward and backward, as »Otto«, »Madam I'm Adam« and »Was it a cat I saw?«. Differs from the palimpsest, where earlier writing is erased partially or completely, and the anagram, where there is a reordering of letters with an implicit or explicit connecting idea, as in »best in prayer« for Presbyterian and »evil« for veil.
Umbra di Notte wrote on Feb 26th 2006, 02:39:55 about
Rating: 6 point(s) |
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A magic formula found in Pompejian houses
related to plowing and sewing activities.
ooooo SATOR ooooo
ooooo AREPO ooooo
ooooo TENET ooooo
ooooo OPERA ooooo
ooooo ROTAS ooooo
Proverbial meaning for the daily work
to be done is the Latin <Aurora habet
aurum in ore>
Jean-Claude Choul wrote on Mar 4th 2002, 22:06:45 about
Rating: 4 point(s) |
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Technically, and according to most dictionaries (here the MacMillan), a palindrome reads the same forward and backward. »Otto«, »Madam I'm Adam« and »Was it a cat I saw« are typical examples. Not to be confused with palimpsest, where the previous writing is erased or the anagram, where there is a connecting idea and reordering of letters: presbyterian --> best in prayer; veil --> evil. But a combination of the three processes is possible.
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