Amount of texts to »wet« 27, and there are 26 texts (96.30%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 193 Characters
Average Rating 0.333 points, 13 Not rated texts
First text on May 2nd 2000, 01:18:57 wrote
jann about wet
Latest text on Aug 14th 2007, 09:20:26 wrote
Werner about wet
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 13)

on Mar 27th 2001, 11:38:39 wrote
boobs about wet

on Oct 11th 2001, 04:47:35 wrote
phantom-type about wet

on Apr 28th 2001, 15:15:32 wrote
kimberly about wet

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Wet«

mark1 wrote on Sep 6th 2002, 13:46:16 about


Rating: 6 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

wet – surf like a glass mountain falling slowly and forever into itself. Like gods walking on water, temporary but there all the same

Boy in the bubble wrote on May 13th 2007, 12:28:17 about


Rating: 1 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

I wake up in the morning and immediately realise I'm wet again. It's warm and not all that unpleasant. There's the safety of my plastic pants. I listen. The house is all quiet still, it must be very early. Would I dare to.... unspoken longing, I don't even think it out in full. It's bad. Or is it? I'm wet anyway, I'm going to be found out again. There's no escape. Bedwetter! Bedwetter!! So why not enjoy it while the going is good? And suddenly the hot wetness spreads out inside my plastic pants, soaking the terry, flowing down my skinny boy's body, warming my bottom and tummy and everything inside my plastic pants, my safety, my saviour, it flows, how soft is the warm plastic now, it flows, it flows, it seems to flow forever. I'm Bedwetter, I'm Pisspants. I'm wet and I don't care. I'm wet and I love it.
Yet, vague guilt. I'll stop doing it when I'm fourteen, promise, but that's still a month away. For now, I'm just happy. There's that big smile on my face. I can feel it, and fall asleep again.

diode wrote on May 5th 2000, 00:44:02 about


Rating: 1 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

watery links are to flappimng gums as are to splashy cakes in spiffy locations (like kuala lumpur for instance>>>)

Some random keywords

Created on Feb 17th 2004, 02:19:44 by rkcba, contains 6 texts

Created on Aug 9th 2001, 11:43:06 by Groschen, contains 81 texts

Created on Aug 31st 2001, 16:37:08 by Nafetso, contains 6 texts

Created on Aug 18th 2001, 12:59:42 by C^ari, contains 5 texts

Created on Jul 19th 2000, 03:14:10 by sunsonjon, contains 6 texts

Some random keywords in the german Blaster

Created on Apr 15th 2012, 12:38:19 by erika, contains 9 texts

Created on Oct 15th 2005, 00:18:31 by 11eoJ, contains 9 texts

Created on Dec 29th 2003, 15:11:50 by Samuel Ngungo, contains 7 texts

Created on Feb 6th 2021, 18:20:49 by Miriam, contains 6 texts

Created on Jan 20th 2000, 00:21:27 by sehr schade, contains 60 texts

Created on Mar 12th 2023, 15:53:01 by Christine, die Papugei, contains 5 texts

Created on Oct 23rd 2006, 12:04:14 by LittleAnn, contains 12 texts

The Assoziations-Blaster is a project by Assoziations-Blaster-Team | Deutsche Statistik | 0.0246 Sec. Ugly smelling email spammers: eat this!