George W. Bush wouldn't recognize the right thing to do if it was standing in front of him. 85% of what he does, if not more, is wrong. The worst thing about it is that Bush doesn't recognize that what he does is wrong. His world view is based on a foundation of false premises and on religious and cultural views that are shared by many Americans, but that threaten the social and cultural evolution of our society. Instead of mindlessly bashing the political leaders of »old Europe,« and any others that may disagree with him, Bush should be looking to Western Europe and Canada and to the intellectuals at home for guidance. The FCC, with its campaign against »indecency« is an instrument in the Bushian attack on culture. The administration's attacks on assisted suicide, marijuana, gay marriage, stem cell research are all aspects of the war being waged by the right on modern culture and progress.
If you want to see big guns, look at us. If you want to see healthy cultural life and development, you'll have to look least until we can get the right-wing out of power.
Bush will have his most destructive effects in the area of the judiciary. We need to replace as many Senate Republicans as we can with Democrats to keep Bush's extremist judges from being confirmed.
To the Democrats in congress: do everything you can to obstruct Bush policy. Don't let the bastard get away with it.