Amount of texts to »1st« 26, and there are 25 texts (96.15%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 74 Characters
Average Rating 0.462 points, 4 Not rated texts
First text on Mar 28th 2000, 04:54:00 wrote
Alvar about 1st
Latest text on Aug 11th 2007, 21:51:27 wrote
alrom about 1st
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 4)

on May 26th 2000, 13:34:05 wrote
phuture303+1 about 1st

on Jul 19th 2001, 00:08:38 wrote
ville about 1st

on Apr 11th 2000, 22:29:59 wrote
da about 1st

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »1st«

agnes wrote on Apr 30th 2004, 14:56:54 about


Rating: 10 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

1st place ribbons at the County Fair!

ozgrrl wrote on Apr 11th 2000, 21:28:19 about


Rating: 1 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

1st is highly overrated. I can't understand why people are so hung up on firsts – is it pioneering spirit, simple greed or aggressive competitiveness that prompts this need to be 1st at stuff?

Firsts are good for something, I suppose. Without firsts, there would be no seconds or subsequents, would there?

Alvar wrote on Mar 28th 2000, 04:54:00 about


Rating: 2 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

This is the first text for the first keyword in the english version of the Assoziations-Blaster Mk II

Josef wrote on May 5th 2000, 01:08:31 about


Rating: 1 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Anyone remember this rhyme (sort of) from early childhood? In my elementary school, it was often invoked when we were forced to line up for whatever reason. It was most likely created by a clever child who was often stuck in second place.

1st the worst
2nd the best
3rd the dirty princess <-? (I believe this was it. I remember it was seen as a bad thing, somehow even worse than »the worst«. It may have also been »3rd the turd«, but I don't think so)

Some random keywords

Created on Jul 24th 2000, 23:59:07 by alex, contains 3 texts

Created on Feb 18th 2001, 07:21:14 by Korrosiv, contains 19 texts

Created on Jan 8th 2001, 12:13:28 by CUBE-E, contains 14 texts

Created on Mar 4th 2001, 01:46:33 by quetzalcoatl, contains 11 texts

Created on Feb 18th 2019, 16:24:38 by Sunny, contains 4 texts

Some random keywords in the german Blaster

Created on Oct 18th 2003, 22:12:32 by mcnep, contains 4 texts

Created on Dec 12th 1999, 12:44:11 by Shabde, contains 287 texts

Created on Feb 17th 2000, 23:19:24 by Pac-man, contains 34 texts

Created on Apr 6th 2005, 14:39:40 by hei+co, contains 19 texts

Created on Mar 27th 2001, 22:17:54 by Sadhus, contains 358 texts

Created on Feb 19th 2016, 22:23:02 by Ein müder Bengel, contains 12 texts

Created on May 25th 2015, 12:25:14 by Carmen, contains 5 texts

The Assoziations-Blaster is a project by Assoziations-Blaster-Team | Deutsche Statistik | 0.0230 Sec. Ugly smelling email spammers: eat this!