Amount of texts to »dandelion« 30, and there are 29 texts (96.67%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 201 Characters
Average Rating 10.000 points, 5 Not rated texts
First text on Apr 14th 2000, 00:24:08 wrote
a wee girl about dandelion
Latest text on Dec 21st 2003, 08:15:06 wrote
Bill Stuart about dandelion
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 5)

on May 16th 2000, 00:01:12 wrote
GPhilipp about dandelion

on Oct 18th 2002, 02:12:05 wrote
elfboi about dandelion

on Jul 3rd 2000, 08:03:40 wrote
ogni about dandelion

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Dandelion«

KD wrote on Jan 9th 2001, 20:05:48 about


Rating: 179 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

That Vidalia, once exposed to air, began to rot.

That Picadilly, with consummate aplomb, finally published his picaresque autobiography.

That I once stood in a decrepit formica kitchen and prepared a dandelion salad for an ex-lover.

That it was August. Dusk. Once.

That Frank Leigh Dearie did write down »I Love Youand mail it.

the old pirate wrote on Mar 5th 2001, 04:07:31 about


Rating: 12 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

The dandelion, more than any other flower, is the flower of childhood – whether one rubs his nose yellow in its pollen, blows its seeds onto the breeze or has to eat the damn greens with mustard sauce.

rachel a b wrote on Apr 15th 2000, 02:46:08 about


Rating: 20 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Dandelions make a fine wine, and dandelion greens make a fine wilted salad. But best of all, dandelion flowers dot a field with a cheeriness that can't be replicated anywhere.

rimmer wrote on May 24th 2001, 17:42:17 about


Rating: 13 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

When I was a child I used to like drinking Dandelion & Burdock. Also, Sasparilla. There was, in fact, a whole range of soft, fizzy drinks: limeade, cherryade, any kind of -ade. Two different factories bottled locally. Now there's only Cola, Cola, Cola, anywhere in the world.

Tony wrote on Apr 22nd 2000, 06:31:05 about


Rating: 10 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Most times, I think of weeding a yard. I can imagine those stupid garden tools, and my jeans being torn at the knees.

Some times, I think of blowing the dandelion seeds in peoples' faces.

random wrote on Apr 27th 2000, 10:34:45 about


Rating: 12 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Dandelion dancetheater is a post-modern dance – theater company based in the San Francisco Bay Area under the direction of Kimiko and Eric Guthrie-Kupers that collides raw, emotionally-driven, athletic and lyrical movement
with theatrical scenes and gesture to explore the essence of what it is to be alive.

Some random keywords

Created on Jan 20th 2003, 20:10:59 by elfboi, contains 8 texts

Created on Mar 3rd 2001, 00:41:14 by houska, contains 4 texts

Created on Sep 10th 2008, 15:12:19 by seele, contains 3 texts

Created on Apr 3rd 2006, 15:13:29 by Gronkor, contains 2 texts

Created on Jun 1st 2004, 07:44:48 by Bart Starr, contains 1 texts

Some random keywords in the german Blaster

Created on Sep 29th 2004, 02:04:16 by mcnep, contains 5 texts

Created on Jan 26th 2002, 01:03:43 by Taos Hammer & Kaftan Molloch, contains 10 texts

Created on Nov 5th 2006, 11:40:48 by Spiros, contains 16 texts

Created on Apr 9th 2000, 15:53:26 by Che, contains 20 texts

Created on Dec 2nd 2000, 16:16:17 by D-Zug mit Verspätung, contains 27 texts

The Assoziations-Blaster is a project by Assoziations-Blaster-Team | Deutsche Statistik | 0.0209 Sec. Ugly smelling email spammers: eat this!