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Texts to »Elephant«
Snow wrote on Apr 4th 2003, 10:44:33 about
Rating: 8 point(s) |
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Elephants are intelligent creatures who are severly depleted from the environment by arrogant and stupid people who think ivory tusks are more valuable as money in their pockets than living animals.
ike wrote on Jul 16th 2000, 09:31:06 about
Rating: 5 point(s) |
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Laura E. Richards
Once there was an elephant
Who tried to use the telephant--
No! No! I mean an elephone
Who tried to use the telephone--
(Dear me! I am not certain quite
That even now I've got it right.)
Howe'er it was, he got his trunk
Entangled in the telephunk;
The more he tried to get it free,
The louder buzzed the telephee--
(I fear I'd better drop the song
Of elephop and telephong!)
wauz wrote on Mar 3rd 2005, 16:40:00 about
Rating: 10 point(s) |
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I want to become the elephant of a china shop.
Tarzan wrote on Apr 30th 2000, 15:00:46 about
Rating: 10 point(s) |
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What is the difference between an elephant and a plum?
An elephant is grey.
Crea wrote on Jun 30th 2000, 22:18:42 about
Rating: 10 point(s) |
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Which ant is the biggest one?
The Eleph-Ant!!!
Tarzan wrote on Apr 30th 2000, 15:28:08 about
Rating: 3 point(s) |
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What do you get if you cross an elephant with a whale?
A submarine with a built-in snorkel.
lizzie wrote on Jan 16th 2001, 10:41:47 about
Rating: 2 point(s) |
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What does an elephant do if it breaks a toe?
Give up ballet dancing.
Some random keywords |
Created on Dec 26th 2003, 13:02:22 by Eoin, contains 5 texts
Created on Feb 20th 2001, 12:05:43 by yrname, contains 19 texts
Created on May 6th 2003, 21:14:40 by Topical68, contains 12 texts
Created on Apr 10th 2000, 02:10:03 by Dragan, contains 45 texts
Created on Jun 5th 2001, 23:01:40 by sdw, contains 5 texts
Some random keywords in the german Blaster |
Created on Dec 13th 2001, 11:17:17 by Dexter EM, contains 23 texts
Created on Sep 19th 2002, 10:16:50 by wauz, contains 23 texts
Created on Oct 31st 2002, 19:55:11 by Ugullugu, contains 15 texts
Created on Dec 17th 2006, 08:23:42 by mcnep, contains 2 texts
Created on Mar 31st 2010, 23:16:53 by wauz, contains 2 texts