Amount of texts to »happyness« 17, and there are 16 texts (94.12%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 124 Characters
Average Rating 0.706 points, 9 Not rated texts
First text on May 22nd 2000, 17:28:16 wrote
philip about happyness
Latest text on Nov 20th 2013, 14:14:46 wrote
August about happyness
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 9)

on Nov 23rd 2001, 16:22:27 wrote
Emma Example about happyness

on Dec 12th 2000, 03:56:01 wrote
Anwartesano about happyness

on May 8th 2002, 01:24:16 wrote
[das flederwiesel]™ about happyness

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Happyness«

whatevernext96 wrote on Nov 18th 2001, 17:37:52 about


Rating: 12 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

This word looks as though it could have been written by Kanga or Roo on a particularly happy, hippy-hoppy day.

davichi wrote on Jul 16th 2001, 18:29:10 about


Rating: 1 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

I think happyness will be found by more people under happiness. Perhaps if I am invited to create a new word, I'll add that. That will make me happy and my state of happyness will be enhanced. Please rate this -1 so it will eventually go away. Thank you.

Markotron wrote on Aug 13th 2000, 11:45:52 about


Rating: 3 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

What about replacinging happyness by happiness?
My association to happiness concerning the blaster:
(You know there are a lot of these books called »happiness is...« or »friendship is...«; and I'll try to write this entry that style)
Happiness is writing some entries without touching the forbidden key (which is the one with the accents – they always make my computer break down. Only hope, that there'll never be a french blaster)
Happiness is being given the possibility to launch a new word.
Happiness is knowing a good one when you're allowed to create a new category.
Happiness is finding one of your texts judged on positively.
Happiness is reading a text that makes me smile.
Happiness is reading texts by people speaking english as their mothertongue (not so many here, are there??)
Happiness is having found this website.....

Some random keywords

Created on Sep 12th 2001, 18:55:42 by mallorca, contains 14 texts

Created on May 31st 2002, 18:00:03 by ames, contains 4 texts

Created on Apr 18th 2000, 01:55:23 by TaoJones, contains 12 texts

Created on Dec 2nd 2014, 11:02:33 by Salman , contains 2 texts

Created on Mar 28th 2001, 06:35:36 by George, contains 41 texts

Some random keywords in the german Blaster

Created on Nov 4th 2007, 13:05:19 by mcnep, contains 3 texts

Created on Dec 29th 1999, 01:27:03 by Dara, contains 195 texts

Created on Oct 2nd 2002, 22:03:54 by Dr.Schreck, contains 15 texts

Created on Dec 8th 2001, 14:15:47 by Heinrich Metzger, contains 7 texts

Created on Mar 23rd 2000, 22:24:50 by Würgo, contains 24 texts

Created on Aug 21st 2001, 16:30:20 by EigenArtIch, contains 22 texts

Created on Jul 15th 2006, 08:43:54 by mcnep, contains 6 texts

The Assoziations-Blaster is a project by Assoziations-Blaster-Team | Deutsche Statistik | 0.0217 Sec. Ugly smelling email spammers: eat this!