Amount of texts to »stroke« |
7, and there are 6 texts (85.71%)
with a rating above the adjusted level
(-3) |
Average lenght of texts
177 Characters |
Average Rating |
9.286 points, 0 Not rated texts |
First text |
on Nov 24th 2001, 19:47:22 wrote Darren
about stroke |
Latest text |
on Jul 2nd 2007, 18:29:23 wrote hfwkpyv gbdycamfo
about stroke |
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 0) |
Random associativity, rated above-average positively
Texts to »Stroke«
Bushmaster wrote on Mar 3rd 2002, 18:44:32 about
Rating: 39 point(s) |
Read and rate text individually
At the stroke of midnight the jester blocked the passage knowing his lover would have to pass that way soon. In his heart of hearts he had an unpleasant feeling that his partner was going to deal the death blow to their relationship. Thing had been strained latel. No matter how skilled he was with his lovemaking he couldn't satiate her sexual appetite. On the other hand in some cases it had been incredibly satisfying. But he didn't no what oil was going to calm her troubled waters. Her she comes, »Olive my love«, he tried to cry but she swept past him with a skilled sidestep. »Out of my way fool, its over.« The jester collapsed, crumbled and dissolved.
Some random keywords |
Created on Jan 8th 2002, 12:26:08 by Sunshine, contains 11 texts
Created on Sep 21st 2000, 21:40:04 by clayton, contains 12 texts
Created on Mar 11th 2001, 01:18:36 by the old pirate, contains 14 texts
Created on Jan 5th 2004, 21:11:57 by whatevernext96, contains 4 texts
Created on Feb 19th 2005, 15:43:38 by bun, contains 4 texts
Some random keywords in the german Blaster |
Created on Nov 30th 2012, 03:32:41 by hen, contains 10 texts
Created on May 8th 2000, 15:10:51 by Tanna, contains 21 texts
Created on Dec 23rd 2007, 22:35:15 by platypus, contains 3 texts
Created on Aug 13th 1999, 17:48:26 by jan, contains 28 texts
Created on Apr 9th 2014, 15:56:00 by fetter willenloser Zombiedad, contains 2 texts