Amount of texts to »tarot« |
11, and there are 11 texts (100.00%)
with a rating above the adjusted level
(-3) |
Average lenght of texts
330 Characters |
Average Rating |
1.364 points, 0 Not rated texts |
First text |
on Feb 18th 2019, 13:29:22 wrote Paddy Clarke
about tarot |
Latest text |
on Feb 18th 2019, 17:40:47 wrote Sunny
about tarot |
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 0) |
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Texts to »Tarot«
Sunny wrote on Feb 18th 2019, 17:40:47 about
Rating: 2 point(s) |
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By the 19th century, the Tarot came to be regarded as a »bible of bibles«, an esoteric repository of all the significant truths of creation.
The trend was started by prominent freemason and Protestant cleric Antoine Court de Gébelin who suggested that the Tarot had an ancient Egyptian origin, and mystic divine and kabbalastic significance. A contemporary of his, the Comte de Mellet, added to Court de Gébelin's claims by suggesting that the Tarot was associated with Gypsies and was in fact the imprinted book of Hermes Trismegistus.
Sunny wrote on Feb 18th 2019, 17:01:41 about
Rating: 1 point(s) |
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A Tarot Nouveau deck consists of 56 cards of four suits and 22 emblematic cards called trumps. Each suit consists of fourteen cards: ten pip cards, and four face cards: King, Queen, Knight, and Jack or Knave.
Some random keywords |
Created on May 13th 2002, 17:35:51 by topcat, contains 10 texts
Created on Dec 12th 2004, 22:59:54 by [das flederwiesel], contains 6 texts
Created on Apr 15th 2000, 20:17:25 by Babylon 69, contains 91 texts
Created on Sep 1st 2001, 00:00:05 by syllabot, contains 8 texts
Created on Dec 15th 2002, 05:50:40 by Archer, contains 7 texts
Some random keywords in the german Blaster |
Created on Oct 11th 1999, 21:51:57 by Irrfisch, contains 79 texts
Created on Jun 5th 2005, 01:39:46 by mcnep, contains 10 texts
Created on Jan 14th 2004, 10:52:31 by toschibar, contains 8 texts
Created on Aug 21st 2000, 20:10:31 by Sven, contains 16 texts
Created on Sep 2nd 2005, 08:19:56 by mcnep, contains 8 texts
Created on Feb 20th 2003, 15:17:07 by hermann, contains 19 texts
Created on Aug 18th 2006, 11:37:46 by leisetreter, contains 5 texts