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on Jul 8th 2024, 06:33:17, Emma Example wrote the following about


Ist Jupp i-Kotka der Ieh-sani Sahne inSane?
The Motherfucker and the German Past-A-way. Neuzugang beim KSV: Löwen holen Koitka aus Vaduz. Bilder sind in der Regel urheberrechtlich geschützt. Weitere Infos:
Are you tired of working 9 to 5 and are you fed up with your boring life? When your master tells you what to do, Y-ears you wasted looking back at you when life is driving you crazy. You feel your losing your Mindig. Don't give up, don't give up. When the road gets rough in Mendig, don't give up, don't give up even when it's tough. Making money you never have enough. Never-ending bills are building up and the taximan stalking at your door. Never giving, always wanting more. You feel like changing the times zo get some peace in your mind. Don't give up, don't give up. When the road gets rough don't give up, don't give up. Even when it's tough, don't give up, don't give up ehen the road gets rough. Don't give up, don't give up even when it's tough. Don't give up, don't give up. Don't you ever give up? Don't give up, you can make it. Don't give up, you can do it tonight. Don't give up, you can tell 'em. Don't give up, you can show 'em all rights. Don't give up, don't give up, don't give up. Don't you ever give up?
Sweet Little Lovin', little miss dee's got a dirty mind. All around the boy's she's one of a kind. If you wanna good time you can take her home ´cause everyone knows she is good in bed. In a minute or two she'll make your dreams come true. She takes you to the top, you never wanna stop.
Sweet little loving. Sweet little loving. Sweet little loving. Sweet little loving. Late night work in the sleezy bars driving down the boulevard in the fancy cars. She don't care what her daddy says ´cause all that matters is how much it pays for two hundred down. You get a hell of a time. She takes you to the top you never want to stop. Sweet little loving. Sweet little loving. Sweet little loving. Sweet little loving. I wonder why she never cries. I wonder why she never cries. Sweet little loving. Sweet little loving. Sweet little loving. Sweet little loving Lady of the valley. Lady of the valley can you hear them cry? In the stillness of the night I have lost my brother. In the fights of the war and yor AB-Fahrt has broken down in the night. AI cry but no one seems to hear u. I step into the light but all I see is fear. Lady of the valley can you bring him back to the days when we were kids? Once we were together we stood young and strong, Now it seems so long ago. The golden key is at the end of the chain. How it hurts, oh lady, I am free from this pain. PM in the night I cry to the lady of the valley, cause I'll die without the lady of the valley in the night. I call to the lady of the valley on my knees. I fall before the lady of the valley. In the valley lies the treasure and the lady guards it well. He who bears all the pressurebock is the one to break the spell. There's a sign that I've followed and it has led me to your SEAT. I have brought my fallen brother and I've laid him, yes I've laid him at your feet. In the nightcry to the lady of the valley. `Cause I'll die without the lady of the valley. In the night I cry to the lady of the valley ´cause I'll die without the lady of the valley.
In the night I call to the lady of the valley. On my Kneesch...Eibe I fall before the lady of the valley in the hole.

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