Amount of texts to »awake« 12, and there are 12 texts (100.00%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 317 Characters
Average Rating 2.167 points, 1 Not rated texts
First text on Mar 27th 2001, 13:22:18 wrote
skyelr about awake
Latest text on Apr 4th 2008, 21:50:34 wrote
schmidt about awake
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 1)

on Apr 4th 2008, 21:50:34 wrote
schmidt about awake

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Awake«

beni wrote on Oct 26th 2001, 03:13:57 about


Rating: 2 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

i awake.

a cold room.
black, blankpolished walls,
small is it and long.
it's got no ceiling
and is opened above
wide to infinity.
though no sky, no nothing behind.
blackwhite walltiles.
neonlight atmosphere.

at the end of my bed a consumed
old thin tall woman in black.

a mirror exposes my age.
i am old.
the old woman cares about me without love.
serves food to me, dresses me.
i'm not hungry.

i'm too weak to speak.
the woman acts soundless.
i don't ask, why.
i don't care.

from above sounds thunder.
dumb and far away.
i don't venture to look.
it becomes black in the deepness of the room.
i'm getting fear.

i remember slightly.
i'm getting fear and stay calm.

i have always been in that room.
as i always had that same fear.
and as i always have been that old.
and always that woman.
i know for sure now that i have always been only here.
i only question: what went on?

i know it didn't ever happen anything.

beni wrote on Oct 22nd 2001, 00:44:41 about


Rating: 2 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

i awake.

a cold room.
black, blankpolished walls,
small is it and long.
it's got no ceiling
and is opened above
wide to infinity.
though no sky, no nothing behind.
blackwhite walltiles.
neonlight atmosphere.

at the end of my bed a consumed,
tall, thin, old woman in black.
a mirror exposes my age.
i am old.
the old woman cares about me without love.
serves food to me, dresse me.
i'm not hungry.

i'm too weak to speak.
the woman acts soundless.
i don't ask, why.
i don't care.

from above sounds thunder.
dumb and far away.
i don't venture to look.
it becomes black in the deepness of the room.
i'm getting fear.

i remember slightly.
i'm getting fear and stay calm.

i have always been in that room.
as i always had that same fear.
and as i always have been that old.
and always that woman.
i know for sure now that i have always been only here.
i only question: what went on?

i believe it didn't ever happen anything.

skyelr wrote on Mar 27th 2001, 13:23:59 about


Rating: 3 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

do you ever miss people that you shouldn't miss? like they're actually accessible to you but you stick to yourself and so you already miss them?

Some random keywords

Created on Mar 16th 2001, 02:15:59 by the old pirate, contains 25 texts

Created on Sep 12th 2001, 18:55:42 by mallorca, contains 14 texts

Created on Aug 8th 2004, 09:25:25 by Coffeeshop Skip, contains 8 texts

Created on Jun 27th 2002, 12:07:49 by schabus, contains 2 texts

Created on Mar 2nd 2001, 17:27:41 by capi, contains 26 texts

Some random keywords in the german Blaster

Created on Jan 21st 2004, 23:40:10 by mcnep, contains 4 texts

Created on Nov 17th 2001, 11:38:15 by khan, contains 40 texts

Created on Sep 24th 2001, 11:48:38 by pars, contains 15 texts

Created on Jul 20th 2001, 19:07:43 by Nils the Dark Elf, contains 15 texts

Created on Nov 17th 2002, 00:08:58 by mcnep, contains 15 texts

Created on Oct 24th 2009, 22:12:27 by Baumhaus, contains 4 texts

Created on Oct 20th 2001, 18:57:34 by Merlin M., contains 13 texts

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