Amount of texts to »bitches« 309, and there are 5 texts (1.62%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 145 Characters
Average Rating -4.288 points, 0 Not rated texts
First text on Aug 3rd 2000, 09:04:12 wrote
clayton about bitches
Latest text on Jan 27th 2009, 19:28:03 wrote
el cojones about bitches
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 0)

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Bitches«

Seamus MacNemi wrote on Jun 20th 2002, 18:13:09 about


Rating: 3 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

The meaning of the word 'Bitches' is entirely dependent upon the context of its use in a phrase or a sentence. In pure form it refers merely to a group of canine females. As a derogatory slang term it refers to qualities of feminine character which are least desireable in a person.

Seamus MacNemi wrote on Jun 20th 2002, 18:02:21 about


Rating: 3 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

A bitch is a canine female. If there were no 'Bitches' man would never have had a 'Best Friend'. Of coursr I prefer cats myself.

Weird Al Spankabitch wrote on Sep 1st 2004, 04:37:34 about


Rating: 2 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Hey hey we're the bitches....
and people say we bitch too much...
but we're too busy bitching...
to hear all of that stuff

Some random keywords

Created on Sep 5th 2000, 16:40:36 by asd, contains 10 texts

Created on Dec 16th 2000, 06:40:44 by jane, contains 7 texts

Created on May 25th 2000, 13:12:41 by pingpong, contains 16 texts

Created on Sep 5th 2004, 11:20:38 by #, contains 1 texts

Created on Feb 7th 2001, 00:23:07 by mira, contains 61 texts

Some random keywords in the german Blaster

Created on Sep 2nd 2002, 18:41:10 by Dortessa, contains 6 texts

Created on Nov 3rd 2002, 22:48:09 by Jakob the dark Hobbit, contains 47 texts

Created on Jan 30th 2003, 00:37:10 by Höflichkeitsliga, contains 7 texts

Created on Apr 12th 2017, 17:37:52 by just surfed in, contains 5 texts

Created on Feb 2nd 2001, 13:04:40 by KidCat, contains 69 texts

Created on Oct 25th 2005, 05:41:46 by salz, contains 7 texts

Created on Dec 6th 2015, 16:18:04 by Bräute, contains 4 texts

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