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Texts to »Hide-and-seek«
whatevernext96 wrote on Mar 15th 2002, 17:53:39 about
Rating: 13 point(s) |
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Ha! Surely I can get away with this, even under the Masters' stringent rules. Three perfectly good words for the price of one, to describe a game that was a favourite of childhood and that I still seem to be playing, even to this day. »Coucou! I'm coming to get you....« Or is it the other way round?
nick the click wrote on Jan 30th 2005, 23:09:34 about
Rating: 17 point(s) |
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>>Hide and Seek<< is a movie starring Robert De Niro and Dakota Fanning, released January 28, 2005.
A thriller, rated R for frightening sequences and violence, >>Hide and Seek<< tells the story of a father discovering that the imaginary friend conjured up by his young daughter isn't so imaginary after all.
Some random keywords |
Created on Dec 31st 2002, 04:51:26 by [das flederwiesel]™, contains 8 texts
Created on May 31st 2004, 00:56:06 by B Starr, contains 4 texts
Created on Oct 26th 2001, 22:13:33 by someone, contains 7 texts
Created on Oct 15th 2001, 06:26:03 by surgeon, contains 2 texts
Created on Mar 28th 2001, 01:11:01 by the old pirate, contains 8 texts
Some random keywords in the german Blaster |
Created on Oct 30th 2001, 09:32:08 by biggi, contains 7 texts
Created on Sep 29th 2001, 19:48:35 by ich, contains 43 texts
Created on Sep 28th 2019, 14:37:51 by Schmidt, Dr. , contains 4 texts
Created on Sep 1st 2001, 10:01:39 by Dortessa, contains 1 texts
Created on Dec 8th 2006, 12:41:00 by Nasenwärmer, contains 4 texts